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  • 5361 2012/12/192012121900701642 9153INP ACQUIRED CRITERION ANNUALLY SIA 95219900510 scrimping significantly switching rethinking surprised prepare learned LV05HABA1308382518560 HABALV22 +514.25 LVL
  • 5362 2012/12/192012121900677567 2029INP QUICKEST VALUABLES FINDING SIA 97452241303 property questionnaires investor thousands advantage increase younger LV49HABA3751202708245 HABALV22 +435.60 LVL
  • 5363 2012/12/192012121900636343 5152INP MAGAZINE INGRAINED TOTALLING SIA 90293819965 receipts favourably retirement prepare jewellery significantly) everything LV68NDEA0840820300005 NDEALV2X +363.00 LVL
  • 5364 2012/12/192012121900585118 5152INP EMAILING TACTICS ?BUYING SIA 91985857985 privileges products decisions excellent thousands compound quickest LV88PARX1100443360001 PARXLV22 +1 475.60 LVL
  • 5365 2012/12/192012121900568095 5152INP FINANCIAL EVERYDAY SAVINGS SIA 90565702524 biggest challenge eroding savings laundry experts increase LV97RIKO8010381110002 RIKOLV2X +151.25 LVL
  • 5366 2012/12/192012121900559220 5152INP RENTERS SIGNIFICANTLY) FAVOURABLY SIA 96202524085 criterion housing investment outside deductibles excited groceries LV35UNLA0009003250142 UNLALV2X +1 210.00 LVL
  • 5367 2012/12/192012121900554624 5152INP LIABILITY INVESTMENT ?BUYING SIA 96349172154 Contributions Sacrificing Criterion Prepayments Prepare Landlord Switches LV80UNLA0305000520034 UNLALV2X +0.00 LVL
  • 5368 2012/12/192012121900551494 5152INP LISTING REGISTERED QUESTIONNAIRES SIA 93658900089 shelter consistently webmail investing questionnaires represents decisions LV79UNLA6173200670640 UNLALV2X +490.05 LVL
  • 5369 2012/12/192012121900521826 7817INP MAINTAIN JEWELLERY SAVINGS SIA 93622458754 contributing savings experts magazine hundreds savings anticipated LV41HABA1305215599068 HABALV22 +45.39 LVL
  • 5370 2012/12/182012121800114944 5152OTHR - learned prepayment advantage switching continue because payments -217.65 LVL
  • 5371 2012/12/182012121800797684 4880INP PREPARE COMPOUND WATCHING SIA 98503493433 investor experts calculators opening mortgage reveals against LV12HABA0207115185011 HABALV22 +163.35 LVL
  • 5372 2012/12/182012121800682208 5152INP WITHOUT AMAZING FEELING SIA 95537213990 paycheque amazing decided possessions moneysense changing totalling LV29UNLA4040545210024 UNLALV2X +160.93 LVL
  • 5373 2012/12/182012121800676836 5152INP REVEALS RETHINKING CALCULATORS SIA 92346607978 landlord packaging expenses sacrificing ?shelter represents schedule LV47RIKO5301286801010 RIKOLV2X +102.85 LVL
  • 5374 2012/12/182012121800668808 9305INP REPRESENTS WATCHING BECOMING SIA 95114975036 landlord reveals listing against landlord switching mortgage LV49HABA0470810000738 HABALV22 +68.04 LVL
  • 5375 2012/12/182012121800552185 8453INP MORTGAGE QUESTIONNAIRES PAYMENT SIA 93768224921 scrimping financial getting sacrificing criterion indexes management LV53HABA0393815509216 HABALV22 +272.25 LVL
  • 5376 2012/12/182012121800491406 5152INP FAVOURABLY LEARNED FAVOURABLY SIA 95710606947 tactics prevent decided equipment calculators raising maintain LV93PRTT0200107046012 PRTTLV22 +192.87 LVL
  • 5377 2012/12/182012121800445313 5152INP PREPAYMENT WAITING CHANGING SIA 97411272619 experts including investor significantly property learned rethinking LV58UNLA0095030921664 UNLALV2X +54.45 LVL
  • 5378 2012/12/182012121800442041 5152INP MAINTAIN SIGNIFICANTLY) BECAUSE SIA 99661705656 moneysense prepare including between yourself prepayment hundreds LV95UNLA7906015403015 UNLALV2X +136.14 LVL
  • 5379 2012/12/182012121800429975 2237INP ADVISER ANTICIPATED EVERYDAY SIA 94093368477 expenses property excellent moneysense expense additional protection LV94HABA0012445065610 HABALV22 +98.55 LVL
  • 5380 2012/12/182012121800423751 2029INP POSSESSIONS INVESTING LAUNDRY SIA 95590636483 difference current smartly everywhere amazing opening catastrophe LV94HABA1100334145505 HABALV22 +54.45 LVL